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CieAura Hologram Chips Provide Measureable Boosts to Well Being and an Opportunity for Abundance.

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CieAura's Breakthrough Holographic BioChips

Friday, April 16, 2010

DOCTOR'S CONSULT CORNER: How Doctors use CieAura Chips in Their Practices [Audio FIles]

1. Three Doctors Potts, Garcia & Trauma Surgeon Dr. Itu Gupta: CieAura Chips on Hospital Staff, Night Shift Workers, and in a Busy Medical Practice.  Fast energy benefits, Allergy Sinus Relief, Sleep Improvements etc.  Plus great information on  CieAura Global Growth & Income Opportunity.

2. Five Doctor's Call: How CieAura Chips Give Doctors New Options to Better Manage Patients Chronic Pain, Sleep & Low Energy Challenges with No  Drugs, Chemicals or Contraindications.

3. Dr. Alanna George, MD  Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist: Hear Princeton Trained Biologist & Physician Dr. Alanna George M.D. share her Medical & Scientific endorsement of CieAura Chips & how the Chips help her patients holistically improve a wide rage of issues -- ranging from acute and chronic back pain, scoliosis (curvature of spine), fibromyalgia, TMJ, chronic hand & knee joint pain, etc. with absolutely no side efffects.

4. Doctors Jim LaRose D.O., Dr. Roxanne D.C., Dr. Bo Kirkwood M.D., & Dr. Alanna George M.D. each talk  personally about CieAura Chips in their Lives, Health (personal low back pain & sleep problems etc.) the cell biology science behing the Chips and the results in their Clinical Practices -- 