" When I told my massage therapist friend, Ellen, that I was having my usual PMS crampy & low back ache symptoms, she placed 4 Pain Chips on me... three on my low back and one on my belly in the front. Within 10 minutes I began to feel much better. Three hours later, after drinking two glasses of water I felt great, no more cramps or back ache!"
-- Julie M. Holistic Health Store Manager
CieAura Transparent Pure Relief Holographic Chips™ provide a safe and effective alternative or supplement to relief of discomforts. Numerous people suffer from discomforts in problem areas such as knees, backs and shoulders. It has been estimated that almost 80% of the world's population will suffer from back discomfort at some point in their lives. Pure Relief Chips can be used to relieve back discomforts and discomforts caused by sprains, muscle strains, headaches and athletic soreness.
When the body has discomfort, energy naturally refocuses on the effected area. Pure Relief Chips, like the needles in acupuncture, are able to refocus the energy when they are placed on the points of discomfort. The Chips interact with the body's energy and draw the discomfort out by redirecting the energy. This reduces inflammation. The reduction in discomfort allows the body to refocus on maintaining overall wellness.
When the body has discomfort, energy naturally refocuses on the effected area. Pure Relief Chips, like the needles in acupuncture, are able to refocus the energy when they are placed on the points of discomfort. The Chips interact with the body's energy and draw the discomfort out by redirecting the energy. This reduces inflammation. The reduction in discomfort allows the body to refocus on maintaining overall wellness.