Sunday, July 18, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
CieAura Researchers, working in colaborative development for 5 years with Kinesiologists, NeuroBiologists and Doctors of Acupuncture, have developed the following Chip Placement Options for our CX2 Chips (for athletes) and Pure Energy Plus Chips, specifically designed for Peak Athletic Performance, Stronger Mental Focus, and to Balance Body Energy to restore natural cellular electromagnetic homeostasis for optimized function. ( For best results, use 2 to 3 chips in suggested placement for 3 to 4 days & keep body very well hydrated):
Lung Point 7 , place Chip on one side or Both sides
just below midpoint of the collar bone(s)
Ren 17 -- Energy Center
Acupuncture Location: Midpoint of Breast Bone
centerpoint between chest nipples
Conception Vessel 6 (CV6)
Location: 1.5 cun (or fingers) below naval along centerline of the abdomen
Stomach Point 36 (ST36)
left or right leg or both legs at the soft depression
3 finger widths below & lateral to the knee
Lung Points 8 - one side or both sides placement
on forearm, approx. 2 inches up from wrist crease.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
DOCTOR'S CONSULT CORNER: How Doctors use CieAura Chips in Their Practices [Audio FIles]
1. Three Doctors Potts, Garcia & Trauma Surgeon Dr. Itu Gupta: CieAura Chips on Hospital Staff, Night Shift Workers, and in a Busy Medical Practice. Fast energy benefits, Allergy Sinus Relief, Sleep Improvements etc. Plus great information on CieAura Global Growth & Income Opportunity.
2. Five Doctor's Call: How CieAura Chips Give Doctors New Options to Better Manage Patients Chronic Pain, Sleep & Low Energy Challenges with No Drugs, Chemicals or Contraindications.
2. Five Doctor's Call: How CieAura Chips Give Doctors New Options to Better Manage Patients Chronic Pain, Sleep & Low Energy Challenges with No Drugs, Chemicals or Contraindications.
3. Dr. Alanna George, MD Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist: Hear Princeton Trained Biologist & Physician Dr. Alanna George M.D. share her Medical & Scientific endorsement of CieAura Chips & how the Chips help her patients holistically improve a wide rage of issues -- ranging from acute and chronic back pain, scoliosis (curvature of spine), fibromyalgia, TMJ, chronic hand & knee joint pain, etc. with absolutely no side efffects.
4. Doctors Jim LaRose D.O., Dr. Roxanne D.C., Dr. Bo Kirkwood M.D., & Dr. Alanna George M.D. each talk personally about CieAura Chips in their Lives, Health (personal low back pain & sleep problems etc.) the cell biology science behing the Chips and the results in their Clinical Practices --
4. Doctors Jim LaRose D.O., Dr. Roxanne D.C., Dr. Bo Kirkwood M.D., & Dr. Alanna George M.D. each talk personally about CieAura Chips in their Lives, Health (personal low back pain & sleep problems etc.) the cell biology science behing the Chips and the results in their Clinical Practices --
Back Ache & PMS Relief Testimonial
" When I told my massage therapist friend, Ellen, that I was having my usual PMS crampy & low back ache symptoms, she placed 4 Pain Chips on me... three on my low back and one on my belly in the front. Within 10 minutes I began to feel much better. Three hours later, after drinking two glasses of water I felt great, no more cramps or back ache!"
-- Julie M. Holistic Health Store Manager
CieAura Transparent Pure Relief Holographic Chips™ provide a safe and effective alternative or supplement to relief of discomforts. Numerous people suffer from discomforts in problem areas such as knees, backs and shoulders. It has been estimated that almost 80% of the world's population will suffer from back discomfort at some point in their lives. Pure Relief Chips can be used to relieve back discomforts and discomforts caused by sprains, muscle strains, headaches and athletic soreness.
When the body has discomfort, energy naturally refocuses on the effected area. Pure Relief Chips, like the needles in acupuncture, are able to refocus the energy when they are placed on the points of discomfort. The Chips interact with the body's energy and draw the discomfort out by redirecting the energy. This reduces inflammation. The reduction in discomfort allows the body to refocus on maintaining overall wellness.
When the body has discomfort, energy naturally refocuses on the effected area. Pure Relief Chips, like the needles in acupuncture, are able to refocus the energy when they are placed on the points of discomfort. The Chips interact with the body's energy and draw the discomfort out by redirecting the energy. This reduces inflammation. The reduction in discomfort allows the body to refocus on maintaining overall wellness.
Migraine Headache Testimonials from Satisfied CieAura Chip Customers
The term "migraine" refers to a syndrome of vascular spasms of the cranial blood vessels. Symptoms of a migraine attack may include heightened sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, auras (loss of vision in one eye or tunnel vision), difficulty of speech and intense pain predominating on one side of the head.
Posted by JohnHall 4/5/2010
Re: Migraine Headaches
We were on vacation, and my wife woke up with a headache... which usually leads to a migraine. I noticed something was wrong and she told me. I placed a pure relief chip behind her left ear (her first experience with Cieaura) and her headache was gone in 5 min, leading to a day of family fun at universal studios instead of her in bed all day with a migraine. Needless to say she didn't think it would work. She was amazed... NO MORE MIGRAINES!!!
Posted by NewEarth 4/12/2010
Re: Migraines
Ahhh the Pure Relief chips are changing my world!

I did have an early onset twinge toward a headache, which would normally progress into a full blown migraine. I put a 3rd Pure Relief chip on my forehead, between my eyebrows. I was immediately relieved and can't believe how great I feel. No more headache and no migraine.
Even as retailer who fully believes in the power of CieAura, for it to be able to knock out this chronic condition is PHENOMENAL!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
NEW CieAura Chips Are Coming Out Soon!
CieAura is committed to extensive Research & Development of new innovative Hologram Chips designed with infused Homeopathic Frequencies that help the body to return to homeostasis in specific ways.
As you know, CieAura currently offers the following 5 Amazingly effective Hologram Chips:
1. Rest Quiet Chips -- for better, deeper, restful sleep -- helps stay asleep & deepen REM.
2. Pure Relief Chips -- helps reduce discomforts, aches & chronic pain.
3. Pure Energy Chips -- unblocks body's own energy flow for more vitality &focus.
4. CX2 Athletic Performance Chips -- help boost body's stamina, energy, endurance & concentration for top athletic performance.
5. EMF Chips -- to help block harmful Electromagnetic (EMF) Frequencies from cell phones & computers.
* * * * *
Over the next several months CieAura will release several new Chips programmed to target the following Body Systems for personal enhancement:
1. An Immune System Chip designed to help the body's defense system stay in balance naturally.
2. A Sinus & Allergy Chip -- designed to help the body naturally ward off Allergies & Sinus & Asthma related respiratory challenges.
3. A Weight Loss Chip -- to help your body return to metabolic balance ( i.e. -- enegy & fat burning functions) to reduce excess weight for a healthier you!
4. A Stop Smoking Support Chip - delivers the energetic support to help you stop smoking!!! It really works & helps keep you off the cigarettes -- coming Summer 2010.
Watch for these NEW CieAura PRODUCT Releases over the coming months of 2010 !!!!!!!
As you know, CieAura currently offers the following 5 Amazingly effective Hologram Chips:
1. Rest Quiet Chips -- for better, deeper, restful sleep -- helps stay asleep & deepen REM.
2. Pure Relief Chips -- helps reduce discomforts, aches & chronic pain.
3. Pure Energy Chips -- unblocks body's own energy flow for more vitality &focus.
4. CX2 Athletic Performance Chips -- help boost body's stamina, energy, endurance & concentration for top athletic performance.
5. EMF Chips -- to help block harmful Electromagnetic (EMF) Frequencies from cell phones & computers.
* * * * *
Over the next several months CieAura will release several new Chips programmed to target the following Body Systems for personal enhancement:
1. An Immune System Chip designed to help the body's defense system stay in balance naturally.
2. A Sinus & Allergy Chip -- designed to help the body naturally ward off Allergies & Sinus & Asthma related respiratory challenges.
3. A Weight Loss Chip -- to help your body return to metabolic balance ( i.e. -- enegy & fat burning functions) to reduce excess weight for a healthier you!
4. A Stop Smoking Support Chip - delivers the energetic support to help you stop smoking!!! It really works & helps keep you off the cigarettes -- coming Summer 2010.
Watch for these NEW CieAura PRODUCT Releases over the coming months of 2010 !!!!!!!
Do You or Someone You Know Suffer From Hay Fever??? [ click here for video ]
from CieAura are coming soon!
Treat your Allergies Holistically
e.g. -- NO Chemicals.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
The technology breakthrough that made CieAura a reality was the discovery that small holograms can store the large data sets of CieAura's “Intrinsic Energies” Formulas used in all CieAura Hologram Chip Products. This paved the way for a design that non-transdermally interacts with the body's energy flows -- like turbo-charged acupuncture needles, but without the painful & time limiting needle design -- for measurable harmonizing physical effects.
This was a revolutionary breakthrough for HarmonicFM's engineers and scientists in 2008. This lead CieAura Engineers to reduce the size of their delivery system from large bulky devices down to small, convenient transparent holographic postage stamp sized flexible Chips that can be easily and paInlessly placed, like a band-aid, on the skin at specific meridian points for up to 4 or 5 days duration for desired effects.
This was a revolutionary breakthrough for HarmonicFM's engineers and scientists in 2008. This lead CieAura Engineers to reduce the size of their delivery system from large bulky devices down to small, convenient transparent holographic postage stamp sized flexible Chips that can be easily and paInlessly placed, like a band-aid, on the skin at specific meridian points for up to 4 or 5 days duration for desired effects.
There are three significant features of hologram technlogy that make holograms such an effective storage medium and delivery system for CieAura Chip technology that add to the quality of our Products.
First, CieAura's Intrinsic Energy Formulas, once embedded into the hologram chip cannot be modified, only erased (a strong magnet will do that). This means if the chip is still charged you can rest assured that the “Intrinsic Energies” embedded will be as pure as it was the day it left our factory.
Second, life span of data stored on a hologram is normally over 50 years. That means that theoretically, our products have no shelf life limit. We have used chips in excess of 2 years old with absolutely no degradation of effectiveness.
Third, the capacity for data storage using hologram technology, is exponentially superior to that of traditional digital data storage -- i.e. Holograms can hold 10 times more data than traditional 2 dimensional data storeage devices such as a DVD disc.
The body's natural electromagnetic field activates the Hologram Chips, holistically. The chips interact with the body’s energy flows holistically, causing the desired effects. As the body and chips react with each other, over time the chips loses strength. For example, the CieAura Pure Energy Chip would lose about 25% of its strength after the first 24 hours of body application. Once the chip is removed from the body’s energy field, the chip stops losing strength, so it can be reused on a different point or used on a sustained basis -- a design feature advantage over traditional acupuncture needles.
Third, the capacity for data storage using hologram technology, is exponentially superior to that of traditional digital data storage -- i.e. Holograms can hold 10 times more data than traditional 2 dimensional data storeage devices such as a DVD disc.
The body's natural electromagnetic field activates the Hologram Chips, holistically. The chips interact with the body’s energy flows holistically, causing the desired effects. As the body and chips react with each other, over time the chips loses strength. For example, the CieAura Pure Energy Chip would lose about 25% of its strength after the first 24 hours of body application. Once the chip is removed from the body’s energy field, the chip stops losing strength, so it can be reused on a different point or used on a sustained basis -- a design feature advantage over traditional acupuncture needles.
Homeopathic 'Intrinsic Energies' Stored in Holograms Support Body's Natural Energy Flow
HarmonicFM is the manufacturer of CieAura Transparent Holographic Chips. HarmonicFM has discovered a way to program intrinsic energies into holograms for the purpose of influencing the human cycle. Our Chips influence key points to create the desired effect. The natural meridians in our body get out of balance and cause blockages in the natural energy flow between the vital organs, cells and tissues of the body. The body works to connect these energy flows; however, without help, there is rarely if ever a balance in our body that keeps energy, concentration, stamina, and plus and minus (Yin and Yang) at the optimum level.
The intrinsic energies infused into the chips are formulas composed of over 30 inputs. Depending on the formula, different results can be achieved and CieAura Transparent Holographic Chips can aid the body to naturally correct energy deficiencies, energy blockages (kinks), discomfort and rest issues. When placed within approximately 2 inches of the body, the CieAura intrinsic energies interact with the body’s field and help the body regulate itself naturally. Again, CieAura Chips are totally non-transdermal. No chemicals enter the body. No drugs are used and no associated side effects are present. With the introduction of CieAura Chips, we see and feel the body meridians come into balance, relieve blockages, and the natural energy flows take over.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Pure Relief Pain Chips helped get 100% rid of my Sciatica Pain !!!
"I'm feeling much more energy these days with 3 weeks of regular use of the energy Chips, so last week I began a new higher intensity exercise schedule. I haven't worked out very hard -- only very lightly -- for the past three months as I've been recovering from hernia surgery.
So two days ago I began to have some sciatic related aches & pains deep in my left hip. I tried stretching, I tried ibuprofen, I tried hot packs... nothing worked to reduce the sciatic pain. So yesterday afternoon, I placed two Rest Quiet chips directly on the area of most pain and then one more rest / quiet chip on the front lower abdominal area opposite the painful area.
This morning I awoke and to my absolute delight, I am PAIN FREE. Yes, the sciatic pain is 100% gone thanks to the Rest / Relief Chips."
Thank you!
John Dwyer M.S.,CMT,CPT
Santa Cruz, CA.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Our newest Hologram Chip Product is the CX2 Enurance Chip!
The CX2 Hologram Chip is engineered to Enhance Athletic Performance.
The CX2 helps athletes gain a natural edge in competition with two different chips in the same package.
The CX2 helps athletes gain a natural edge in competition with two different chips in the same package.
1.) The Professional Strength Energy Chip significantly improves endurance, mental clarity and focus, stamina, balance and muscle mass as you workout or compete. This chip is shaped just like our current energy chip (oval)... but the formula is the strongest and best in the world. It even includes energies that help muscles recover rapidly from a strenuous performance. There is a 3 chip placement protocol and a 5 chip placement protocol explained and recommended on the product insert.
2.) The Circulation and Discomfort Chip -- the second chip in the CX2 package -- is square and designed to be placed on the body in the spot most likely to get hurt or sore during high intensity exercise and/or athletic competition.
Even though everyone can use these chips, CX2 is designed to help you reach the younger, very active generation (from high school, or younger, through the professional athlete) - giving them a defining edge.
CX2 is recommended by major pro athletes like Rudy Tomjanovich, Tim Brown, Elvin Hayes, Brian Jones and Robert Hubble, Lisa Leslie and Colt McCoy.
Monday, March 22, 2010
How CieAura Rest / Quiet Sleep Chips Work (click here)
Primary Acupuncture Placement Points for Our Sleep Chips:
Place chips only during sleep hours. Sleep Chips last for up to 32 hours of sleep ( i.e. 4 nights) Then replace with a new set of chips.

1. Acupuncture Point Location: Yang location, between Sanji Channels 23 and 22. (Place Chip on right or left side of head @ temple or on both temples at once).
2. Alternate Acupuncture Locations: Yin location, between Kidney points 3 and 4 (right side only). Please note to use this alternate location only after trying the SJ 22-SJ23 location at least 4 consecutive nights.
3. (NOT SHOWN) Also, bottom of inside right (men) wrist or left (females) wrist. Approximately two inches up arm away from wrist crease.
Place chips only during sleep hours. Sleep Chips last for up to 32 hours of sleep ( i.e. 4 nights) Then replace with a new set of chips.

1. Acupuncture Point Location: Yang location, between Sanji Channels 23 and 22. (Place Chip on right or left side of head @ temple or on both temples at once).
2. Alternate Acupuncture Locations: Yin location, between Kidney points 3 and 4 (right side only). Please note to use this alternate location only after trying the SJ 22-SJ23 location at least 4 consecutive nights.
3. (NOT SHOWN) Also, bottom of inside right (men) wrist or left (females) wrist. Approximately two inches up arm away from wrist crease.
New CieAura EMF Chips help prevent damage from Electromagnetic field pollution -- i.e. Radiation from your cell phones!!!

See the research on Radiation from Cell Phones:
EMF exposure has been implicated in certain cancers, depression and miscarriages due to the depression of melatonin synthesis by the Pineal Gland which is necessary for normal Immune functioning.

EMF CHIP: This chip counteracts the cell phones EMF emissions and fortifies the body's natural resistance. On our product page and our science page you can read about the scientific studies that link the use of cell phones to significant health problems. This product is absolutely necessary for everyone who uses a cell phone, especially those you love. And be sure to read about the effects that cell phones have on children.
Premise 2: When the body's normal, natural biorythms / energetic vibrations get out of sync, or become abnormal, the result can often be reduced wellness, disease, illness, and other problems.
Vibrations underlie virtually every aspect of nature. Every electron, atom, molecule, cell, tissue and organ has its own vibratory character. Research has shown that each of the millions of molecules in a cell membrane, tendon, muscle, bone, nerve cell or other structure vibrate.
In the presence of an electric field (produced by the body), these vibrations become coupled and give rise to coherent or laser like vibrations. The vibrations become a collective or cooperative phenomena, in which all of the weakly vibrating parts become coupled. The result is a strong, orderly, and stable vibration that is far more than the sum if individual vibrations. When the vibrations are stable and at the right frequency, we are healthy. Problems arise when they are not.
Vibrations underlie virtually every aspect of nature. Every electron, atom, molecule, cell, tissue and organ has its own vibratory character. Research has shown that each of the millions of molecules in a cell membrane, tendon, muscle, bone, nerve cell or other structure vibrate.
In the presence of an electric field (produced by the body), these vibrations become coupled and give rise to coherent or laser like vibrations. The vibrations become a collective or cooperative phenomena, in which all of the weakly vibrating parts become coupled. The result is a strong, orderly, and stable vibration that is far more than the sum if individual vibrations. When the vibrations are stable and at the right frequency, we are healthy. Problems arise when they are not.
Premise 1: The body communicates with and regulates itself by vibrations. There are numerous sources of these vibrations within the body.
There is no single life force or healing force. Instead there are many systems & pathways in the body that conduct/transfer various forms of energy and 'information' from place to place. All the systems (organs tissues, cells, molecules, atoms, subatomic particles & bioelectric currents/waves ) work together energetically to produce a whole.
In terms of energy waves & vibrations, the human body can be compared to a symphony orchestra. We know that there are many organs and body systems that generate electromagnetic fields and use these fields to regulate the body.
All the body systems interact together and exchange information to keep us healthy. No system acts totally on its own. For the sake of simplicity, let’s look at just a few systems that use vibrations in an energy fields to regulate the body and repair wounds.
The central nervous system (CNS) is a good example. It is composed of two separate types of cells: nerve cells or neurons and the perineural cells -- the mylin cell sheaths that surround, protect & optimize neuronal energy flow. The central nervous system, or neural nervous system, consists of millions of neural pathways of interconnected neurons reaching every cell in the body. Neurons conduct information from specific place to specific place as electrical impulses. This system uses a series of binary signals. The CNS conducts a digital like relay system of high speed, high volume signals throughout the body whose all or none signal qualities can cause spikes of highly focused energy, trains of energy pulses, and blockages that misdirect and restrict energy wave flow. This part of the central nervous system is responsible for sensations and motor movement.
The perineural system is the more evolutionarily ancient characteristic of our nervous system. It is composed of perineural cells. These cells completely surround each neuron in the brain, and perineural connective tissue surrounds and follows every peripheral nerve to its termination. In fact half the cells in the brain are perineural cells. The perineural nervous system communicates with slow waves and is analog in nature. It cannot transmit large amounts of data, but it transmits the signal throughout the entire body as opposed to point to point.
The perineural system regulates wound healing and tissue repair. Think about all the body functions involved in wound repair as opposed to moving a finger. The perineural system plays a role in the system wide regulation, coordination and integration of wound healing by many different parts of the body. Adrenaline is secreted, nutrients are sent to the wound area, bone repair is initiated, etc. A system that communicates with many areas at once is needed for this type of action and the wave communication of the perineural system fits the need perfectly.
The perineural system also regulates the operation of the neurons, so the systems complement each other. (Becker 1990) In both systems, the brain initiates the signal. In the case of the neural system it is pulses of energy. In the case of the perineural it is slow waves.
A periosteal system for bones surrounds bone cells and aids in the forming of new bone after a fracture.
A perimysium system for muscles aids in muscle regeneration and repair of damaged muscle cells.
The perineural system ( i.e. Schwann cells) also regulates the function of neurons, so the systems complement each other. (Becker 1990) In both systems, the brain initiates the signal. In the case of the neural system it is pulses of energy. In the case of the perineural it is slow waves.
“Peri” tissue is tissue that surrounds. The nervous system is but one of many systems in the body that have “peri” cells. The vascular system has perivascular connective tissue that goes throughout the body. It also communicates by waves.
Currents in the perivascular system are important in regulating inflammation, homeostasis, injury repair and carcinogenesis (adjustments to nourish a growing tumor). A periosteal system surrounds bone cells and aids in the forming of new bone after a fracture. A perimysium system for muscles aids in muscle regeneration and repair of damaged muscle cells.
In summary, the “peri” systems of the body are extremely important in many areas, especially injury repair. These systems communicate using extremely low frequency waves. These frequencies have been documented by physicists. (Siskin and Walker 1995)
There is no single life force or healing force. Instead there are many systems & pathways in the body that conduct/transfer various forms of energy and 'information' from place to place. All the systems (organs tissues, cells, molecules, atoms, subatomic particles & bioelectric currents/waves ) work together energetically to produce a whole.
In terms of energy waves & vibrations, the human body can be compared to a symphony orchestra. We know that there are many organs and body systems that generate electromagnetic fields and use these fields to regulate the body.
All the body systems interact together and exchange information to keep us healthy. No system acts totally on its own. For the sake of simplicity, let’s look at just a few systems that use vibrations in an energy fields to regulate the body and repair wounds.

The perineural system is the more evolutionarily ancient characteristic of our nervous system. It is composed of perineural cells. These cells completely surround each neuron in the brain, and perineural connective tissue surrounds and follows every peripheral nerve to its termination. In fact half the cells in the brain are perineural cells. The perineural nervous system communicates with slow waves and is analog in nature. It cannot transmit large amounts of data, but it transmits the signal throughout the entire body as opposed to point to point.
The perineural system regulates wound healing and tissue repair. Think about all the body functions involved in wound repair as opposed to moving a finger. The perineural system plays a role in the system wide regulation, coordination and integration of wound healing by many different parts of the body. Adrenaline is secreted, nutrients are sent to the wound area, bone repair is initiated, etc. A system that communicates with many areas at once is needed for this type of action and the wave communication of the perineural system fits the need perfectly.
The perineural system also regulates the operation of the neurons, so the systems complement each other. (Becker 1990) In both systems, the brain initiates the signal. In the case of the neural system it is pulses of energy. In the case of the perineural it is slow waves.
A periosteal system for bones surrounds bone cells and aids in the forming of new bone after a fracture.
A perimysium system for muscles aids in muscle regeneration and repair of damaged muscle cells.
The perineural system ( i.e. Schwann cells) also regulates the function of neurons, so the systems complement each other. (Becker 1990) In both systems, the brain initiates the signal. In the case of the neural system it is pulses of energy. In the case of the perineural it is slow waves.
“Peri” tissue is tissue that surrounds. The nervous system is but one of many systems in the body that have “peri” cells. The vascular system has perivascular connective tissue that goes throughout the body. It also communicates by waves.
Currents in the perivascular system are important in regulating inflammation, homeostasis, injury repair and carcinogenesis (adjustments to nourish a growing tumor). A periosteal system surrounds bone cells and aids in the forming of new bone after a fracture. A perimysium system for muscles aids in muscle regeneration and repair of damaged muscle cells.
In summary, the “peri” systems of the body are extremely important in many areas, especially injury repair. These systems communicate using extremely low frequency waves. These frequencies have been documented by physicists. (Siskin and Walker 1995)
Stokholm Study LINKS Cell Phone EMFs to Brain Tumors
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Ten or more years of mobile phone use increases the risk of developing acoustic neuroma, a benign tumor on the auditory nerve, according to a study released on Wednesday by Sweden's Karolinska Institute.The risk was confined to the side of the head where the phone was usually held and there were no indications of increased risk for those who have used their mobile for less than 10 years, the Karolinska Institute said in a statement.
The institute, one of Europe's largest medical universities and a clinical and biomedical research center, awards the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Fast Acting CieAura Pure (Pain) Relief Hologram Chips Work Great for Back Pain!
"My back was out thanks to my little boy who is such a bed HOG... So I knew I needed to go see my chiropracter, ASAP!
Since I could not wait til the next day, I put a CieAura Pain Chip on last night and much to my suprise the pain was gone the next morning!
So I took the Chip off to see if there was any difference in my back and within a few minutes, the pain returned -hurting ALOT. So this time I put two pain chips on the most tender spots to see if they might really take the pain away again and within 10 minutes the pain was completely GONE -- again!!"
Sleep Chips really working for this tired Mom with young kids!

This is a testimony from my cousins wife! AWESOME!! "I put a sleep chip on my 4 year old daughter last night and she is still in bed. This makes me a very happy mom!
She has been waking up at least 3 times a night and getting up for good at 6am. She should be in a great mood today from getting some much needed sleep. :)"
-- B. M. Nelson
Friday, March 19, 2010
Doctors Call for Action to Reduce Acupuncture Needle Infection Rates.

Hepatitis B, flesh-eating diease, joint destruction, paralysis, multi-organ failure: These are just some of the serious problems that a group of doctors associated with use of acupuncture needles recently in the British Medical Journal. One professor "believes the link with acupuncture needles often goes unrecognized because of the long incubation period of some of the transmitted infections," the BBC reported. "The authors call for clinicians to 'have a high index of suspicion' for infections that might be transmitted by needles used in acupuncture and to 'alert health authorities about clusters of cases.' " Stricter regulation of global practices are required, the authors argue; the practice is unregulated in the U.K. They would like to see disposable needles and aseptic techniques employed. The medical director of the British Association of Medical Acupuncturists said that infections associated with the practice were "rare," but the authors of the BMJ piece argue it is a risky practice because "needles are inserted deep beneath the skin, and can introduce infection."
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Pain Relief Chip User Testimonials
"I woke up this morning my neck and shoulders sore and low back aching. I frequently have these pains because of spinal injuries I suffered from a car accident.
Per your request, I tried the pain disc, placing the discs at the base of my neck and on my shoulder, over the pain.
The pain went right away! COMPLETELY. I believe that the cause of the pain has gotten better because it does not come back as it used to, but now I don’t have to deal with the pain!
Thank you for your great product!"
-- Sher S., Tampa, FL.
" I had to stop running due to pain in my sciatic nerve when I started running. I ran yesterday with the pain relief discs in my back pockets and never had an issue. My strength and stamina were up and the pain never showed up. I love running and now can have fun with it again."
-- Rich R. , Atlanta, GA
"I have had a very bad shoulder and a lot of pain that my doctors have said couldn’t be fixed without a shoulder replacement. He prescribed pain pills which I have been on for years. When I heard about your pain discs, I tried them and I not only got immediate relief, but the disc also improved the usable motion of my arm. After two months of using the discs, I am now off the pain pills and I only have mild pain in the shoulder which I now relieve with your discs. Thank you for the relief because I thought I would never get off the pain medication."
-- Dan B., GA
" Just to let you know that the discs work great... Kind regards,"
-- Bob M., Belgium
"To Whom It May Concern:
I was suffering from tendonitis, commonly referred to as "tennis elbow" for about 2 months. After trying your pain and sleep discs for the first time, I woke up the next morning pain free. It is a wonderful product.
My wife also suffers from occasional migraine headaches. When she feels one coming on she applies discs to each temple and feels relief within the hour."
-- John K., Georgia
Per your request, I tried the pain disc, placing the discs at the base of my neck and on my shoulder, over the pain.
The pain went right away! COMPLETELY. I believe that the cause of the pain has gotten better because it does not come back as it used to, but now I don’t have to deal with the pain!
Thank you for your great product!"
-- Sher S., Tampa, FL.
" I had to stop running due to pain in my sciatic nerve when I started running. I ran yesterday with the pain relief discs in my back pockets and never had an issue. My strength and stamina were up and the pain never showed up. I love running and now can have fun with it again."
-- Rich R. , Atlanta, GA
"I have had a very bad shoulder and a lot of pain that my doctors have said couldn’t be fixed without a shoulder replacement. He prescribed pain pills which I have been on for years. When I heard about your pain discs, I tried them and I not only got immediate relief, but the disc also improved the usable motion of my arm. After two months of using the discs, I am now off the pain pills and I only have mild pain in the shoulder which I now relieve with your discs. Thank you for the relief because I thought I would never get off the pain medication."
-- Dan B., GA
" Just to let you know that the discs work great... Kind regards,"
-- Bob M., Belgium
"To Whom It May Concern:
I was suffering from tendonitis, commonly referred to as "tennis elbow" for about 2 months. After trying your pain and sleep discs for the first time, I woke up the next morning pain free. It is a wonderful product.
My wife also suffers from occasional migraine headaches. When she feels one coming on she applies discs to each temple and feels relief within the hour."
-- John K., Georgia
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Stanford University Medical School's -- Official Acupressure Point Locator Site: (click here)
Acupuncture Points for Optimal Energy (click here)
-- i.e. Conception Vessel 6 (CV6) Location: 1.5 finger widths below naval along centerline of the abdomen
Dental Pain Relief with CieAura Pure Relief Chips!!!
"My husband had been bothered with a toothache for weeks, he used a Pure Relief chip on his cheek over the tooth area, in 4 days the pain was gone, after a few days the pain started to return, so he placed another chip on and in a few hours the pain left. He has an appointment with his dentist this week to see what needs to be done, but was happy to get relief until he was able to get an appointment."
-- Bonnie Leason
"My husband had been bothered with a toothache for weeks, he used a Pure Relief chip on his cheek over the tooth area, in 4 days the pain was gone, after a few days the pain started to return, so he placed another chip on and in a few hours the pain left. He has an appointment with his dentist this week to see what needs to be done, but was happy to get relief until he was able to get an appointment."
-- Bonnie Leason
Monday, March 15, 2010
Post- Knee Surgery Pain Relief Testimonial
I received this testimony from a friend who does not want her name given . . . . . . She had arthroscopic knee surgery.
"I got home from my operation and the pain killers were not touching the pain. I knew I could not stand that much pain. So I took off all the bandages, a bit of a no no, but I was desperate, and I put fourteen pain chips on my knees. The pain stopped immediately and I was able to sleep through the night. But anyway, the pain chips did work. My son-in-law, an orthopedic surgeon, said he had to send a university football player, who had the same operation, into the E.R. for a morphine drip to temper the same kind of pain. It is awful. But the CieAura Pain chips did the job for me. I just plastered them on anywhere and lay back and slept."
Low Back Pain Testimonial
I had back surgery six months ago to correct a herniated disc at my L3, L4. WHile the pain post surgery is much less, I continued to suffer with ongoing dull aches & pain in my low back ever since until three weeks ago when I started using the "pure Relief" Holographic Chips, two on my lower abdomen and two on my low back.
Well, I am happy to report that within hours of the first time I put the Chips on, the aches & pains melted away and are still gone three weeks later, although I have been using the Chips almost every day since! I am gratefull to my Massage Therapist who recommended the CieAura Chips to me about a month ago. I feel great!
-- Margo Harper, RN
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Doctors, Acupuncturists & Chiropractors are Marvelling at the Results of our Holographic Energy Chips!

CieAura BioChips are being worn successfully by thousands of people seeking 24/7 help with acute & chronic neuromuscular discomfort & pain, problems with decreased physical energy flow, and interrupted sleep patterns. Doctors are recommending use of CieAura BioChips in many cases, as a reliable adjunct to augment their more traditional clinical therapies.
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