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CieAura Hologram Chips Provide Measureable Boosts to Well Being and an Opportunity for Abundance.

Below is Info. to learn & share the Wellness & Wealth value of CieAura Hologram BioChips with your Friends!
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CieAura's Breakthrough Holographic BioChips

Monday, March 22, 2010

How CieAura Rest / Quiet Sleep Chips Work (click here)

Primary Acupuncture Placement Points for Our Sleep Chips:

Place chips only during sleep hours. Sleep Chips last for up to 32 hours of sleep ( i.e. 4 nights) Then replace with a new set of chips.


1. Acupuncture Point Location: Yang location, between Sanji Channels 23 and 22. (Place Chip on right or left side of head @ temple or on both temples at once).

2. Alternate Acupuncture Locations: Yin location, between Kidney points 3 and 4 (right side only). Please note to use this alternate location only after trying the SJ 22-SJ23 location at least 4 consecutive nights.
3. (NOT SHOWN) Also, bottom of inside right (men) wrist or left (females) wrist. Approximately two inches up arm away from wrist crease.